A tan will provide inadequate protection from the sun on holiday.

9 March 2022

One of the busiest seasons for indoor tanning starts in January when many teens tan before spring break. A tan offers very limited protection from sunlight or burning. At most, a tan is the equivalent to a sunscreen with SPF of just 2-4. Not enough to keep you safe in the sun.

The “Indoor Tanning is Out” TV Public Service Announcement warns that artificial tanning is not as safe as you think! It is especially dangerous because UV rays from sunbeds can be up to 10-15 times higher than that of the midday sun. Prevention is key because melanoma, has become the third most common form of cancer in young Canadian women (second most common cancer in young Ontarians aged 15-34) years of age, and is mostly preventable. Don’t be one of them.

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A tan will provide inadequate protection from the sun on holiday. - Check Your Skin